Ozone and the management of oral health
One of the primary goals of dental care is to battle infection in hard and soft tissues. The various infectious processes that can occur in the mouth may stem from pathogens such as parasites, viruses, fungi, and, most often, harmful bacteria. In some cases, we must fight against a combination of microorganisms as we seek to lead a patient into better oral health.
In our holistic dental practice, we understand the bigger picture that extends beyond any single dental problem. Our foremost commitment is to the health and well-being of our patients. Dr. Fallah and his team have the necessary knowledge and skills that enable us to recognize the oral-systemic link and perform treatments mindfully, promoting oral health through conscientious dentistry.
In his mastership thesis for the International College of Craniomandibular Orthopedics, Dr. Fallah wrote based on the study: Bocci, AlvaroVeilo. Scientific and Medical Aspects of Ozone Therapy (Archives of Medical Research,(2005):
Our eukaryotic cells use numerous peroxidase enzymes at the level of the cell membrane to protect themselves against oxidative stresses generated by oxygen and most powerfully by Ozone. Microbial cell membranes lack the peroxidase enzymes, hence they disintegrate upon exposure to oxygen ozone gradients. This is the main hallmark of the differential antimicrobial effect of oxygen Ozone.
Ozone has been studied for many years. Recent findings from a study at Scripps Institute demonstrate that our T Killer cells actually make their own ozone to fight invasive microorganisms. Our application of ozone in gas or liquid form is complementing the body's inherent tendencies to fight disease.
There are several therapeutic goals met with our use of oxygen/ozone therapy. These include:
- Natural destruction of pathogens in the mouth
- Increase in circulation in the treated area
- Activation of a healthy immune response
- Encouragement to the proper metabolism of oxygen
Ozone is routinely used in our office for one simple reason – It works! Whether we are repairing a small cavity and preventing the continuation of infection, treating gum disease or TMJ Disorder or performing biological oral surgery, there is a place for ozone in our methodology.
Dr. Fallah and the staff in our North County Coastal dental office want to deliver the highest standard of holistic care to each of our patients. To experience our unique brand of dental care, schedule your visit with Dr. Fallah today.
It is important to understand that Oxygen Ozone Therapy has not been evaluated or endorsed by the FDA. It is also important to understand that Oxygen Ozone Therapy is a very powerful modality. Proper training is extremely important for any practitioner who wishes to use this modality. Dr. Fallah has successfully completed a training program by Dr. Phil Mollica and Dr. Bob Harris.