Tooth #29 - Second Premolar

Meridian stomach
Dental Tooth Chart West Palm Beach - breast
Dental Tooth Chart West Palm Beach - pancreas
Dental Tooth Chart West Palm Beach - pylorus
Dental Tooth Chart West Palm Beach - right stomach
right stomach
Glands thyroid
Vertebrae T11, T12, L1 Spinal cord
T11, T12, L1
Sensory maxillary sinus
Musculature trunk
Joints foot, knee, anterior knee, hips, mandibular joint
Other Relationships communication, cholgenic lateral arthritis (hip to knee), prominent where cruciate ligament inserts, dynamics, foot joints, knee, linguinal hernias, hips, lymph vessels, mammary glands, peristalsis & motility in smalll and large intestines, relationship to rhythmicity, ventilation switch in diverticulitis (Vater's).